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Ley Nro. 77, del 5 de septiembre de 1995,

In order to simplify what is essentially a complicated process here is a basic explanation of the application process.

1. Investigate the business opportunity before submitting any official requests.
2. Create a detailed presentation for the MINVEC officials
3. Explain the financial objectives of the project
4. Explain the methods of recuperating the investment
5. Fix a term for reimbursement and be realistic
6. Create a detailed economic feasibility study
7. Create a detailed marketing study
8. Prepare your companies documents for accreditation in Cuba
9. Provide a draft copy of your proposal to officials for recommendations
10. Once agreed submit the ensemble of documentation for approval

Tour and Marketing International has an excellent track record in assisting investors with the whole submission process and also providing full onsite assistance to investors. For further information see www.tourandmarketing.com or contact director@tourandmarketing.com


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